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Bruno MILET teacher director preparer

My name is Bruno, I am 55 years old.

I am a French as a foreign language (FLE) teacher

I have two CAPES (French, Spanish language and civilization) and a master's degree in history geography

I was a high school French teacher for 25 years.

From 2016 to 2020, I was a FLE teacher in Spain, but also a preparer for the French teacher competition (Oposiciones) for primary and secondary schools.

It was in Spain that I created my own language academy “Académie Bleu-Merle”

Académie Bleu Merle DELF DALF Language school FLE French Foreign language

Since 2020, I have returned to live in France, in Brittany, where I moved the head office of my French academy.

I only offer ONLINE courses and I specialize in preparing for DELF and DALF exams, but also in setting up training in general culture and French literature.

Having a DELE C2 (C2 level in Spanish), I also offer contrastive grammar training and I continue to offer module training for the preparation of the teaching competition in Spain (Oposiciones) or in France (CAPES)

Académie Bleu Merle École de langue  FLE DELF DALF Bruno MILET professeur directeur préparateur

As I explained, I live in France and all my courses are ONLINE. I work from home and offer group or individual lessons.

You can have access to many videos that I have created on my YOUTUBE channel (over 600 videos)

For the past year, I have also been offering several manuals for sale in PDF format on the different methodologies in written or oral production.


I am personally opposed to the methodology (actional methodology) implemented in education for many years. This methodology is based on the oral and does not, in my opinion, give sufficient importance to the written word.

Hence the catastrophic level of students (French or foreign) in spelling and the implementation by companies of additional training and exams so that they can ensure the level of candidates (Voltaire Certificate, Bescherelle, etc.). .)

I consider that grammar, conjugation and traditional methodology are essential to allow my students to acquire the sufficient level to truly integrate into society.

I am extremely demanding about the writing level of my students because I believe that this is what will allow them to stand out from the crowd and therefore, to make the difference with other candidates when they are looking for work. a position.

I also note that many French teachers currently in post do not master French grammar, syntax and conjugation, and I consider this to be unacceptable. Many teachers have understood this perfectly and regularly follow the training courses that I offer in order to improve, and I thank them very much for that.

This is also why I regularly offer literary and grammatical dictations which reinforce the spelling level, but also sound recognition activities which allow for example to differentiate the sounds [s] and [z] (fish / poison), [ u] or [y] (rue/wheel), or the nasal vowels "on" "en" "in". (time, tuna, thyme - blood / sound / holy)


Oral production DELF B2 example

I offer you numerous videos and PDF documents on written and oral production

  • written and oral productions from DELF A1 to DALF C2

  • Various methodologies

  • Argumentative sheets

You will regularly have new dictations in three different forms

  • literary dictations (extracts from famous novels of French literature

  • grammatical dictations with a specific theme (such as the agreement of past participles)

  • phonetic dictations (with recognition of a sound, for example "u" and "ou"

You will be able to download the audio files and the text of the answer key

activities resources dictation FLE DELF DALF
OPOSICIONES secundaria francés temario temas preparador préparateur

I already offer for download all the themes of the teacher competition in Spain (oposiciones)

You will also find, in the coming weeks, sheets on the methodology of didactic programming.

Literary commentaries and analyzes of literary texts will be offered for download

DELF B2 DALF C1 argumentative tests manual available PDF download

I offer you several manuals of various methodology for the DELF or for the DALF, but also for grammar (French or contrastive French/Spanish)

I also offer a manual of argumentative sheets at the price of €11

Finally, you will find numerous sheets in PDF format of DELF or DALF subjects fully developed and explained step by step, generally at the price of €2 each.

All these manuals and sheets are available in the site store and you can purchase them through PAYPAL


All of these training courses are offered, but obviously not all at the same time

They have the same characteristics:

- They last 9 weeks and classes take place twice a week (1h30 each time)

- They are all ONLINE, but be careful, some are reserved for Spanish-speaking students

- All courses and videoconferences on MEET are recorded and you can therefore watch them later the next day

formations online DELF DALF

9-week training courses set up regularly for all levels from DELF B2 to DALF C2

All the training offered is of course ONLINE; All courses are recorded and posted online on CLASSROOM where everyone can watch them later whenever they want.

ONLINE TRAINING translation literature methodology oposiciones francés

9-week training reserved for Spanish-speaking candidates who wish to study related to the teaching of French, French philology or translation studies.

We work on French and Spanish literary texts from the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries.

Grammatical exercises linked to texts to strengthen grammar

formation online certificat voltaire

More and more companies are asking candidates to provide proof of their command of the written language. This diploma is increasingly required if you are looking to work in France.

It allows you to work on vocabulary, grammar, conjugation or syntax, but also document synthesis.

Like the other training courses offered, this will be spread over 9 weeks at a rate of 3 hours per week.

oposiciones primaria secundaria preparador estudios de francés

No specific training courses over one year as I offered in previous years, but 9-week training courses in modules which will allow you to develop and study, independently, all the skills required for future French teachers in Spain.

online contrastive grammar training French Spanish

9-week training reserved for Spanish-speaking students.

This is training which allows you to compare spelling, lexical or syntactic rules in the two languages

online grammar training DALF C1 DALF C2 DELF B2

Same characteristics as previous training courses.

9 weeks of lessons, twice a week (two 1h30 lessons)

This training, suitable for all students wishing to take exams requiring a level between B2 and C2, will allow you to get up to date in grammar, conjugation, spelling and French syntax.

Flipped classroom methodology used. You receive the lessons in the form of video capsules and PDF files and we put these lessons into practice in the form of exercises carried out in class.

TRAINING online literature text analysis commentary

Serious knowledge is required in French literature and in particular in the methodology of literary analysis.

This training will allow you to perfect our knowledge of French literature, and to integrate French schools or universities

phonetic pronunciation training online bruno milet

Many of you have asked me to set up training in linguistics, phonetics and pronunciation

I am seriously thinking about it and it is possible that I will propose one from April 2022

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